Cutting Cookies!
In my opinion it’s hard to beat a good chocolate chip cookie, but today I was making applewood, maple and hemlock cookies. I had a few offcuts that were given to me to see if I could do something with them. I finally got around to making a jig I could set on the sawmill. This allowed me to hold the short logs in a vertical orientation while I sliced them into “cookies”. I made the jig just wide enough to fit onto the mill bed and added a bottom lip to keep it from sliding as I pushed the saw head through the wood. I used screws and some scrap wood to keep the log from moving while being cut. Just like anything there were a few kinks to iron out but overall, I was happy with how things worked out. While hemlock is not my ideal wood to work with the chunks did have a unique shape. The one applewood piece was where three trunks grew together creating a nice heart shape.
The cookie cutting jig setting on the sawmill bed
Using the cookie jig to cut a chunk of maple.
Hemlock cookie after being cut on the sawmill
Hemlock cookies stacked for drying